Home - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
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Photos of the Hospitaliers’ Festival At Nant - Cantobre Section

The Larzac - Dourbie 29Km Race
Visit their web site

André Debru’s new metal horse and knight here for November 2016 - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
André Debru’s new metal horse and knight here for November 2016 - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
The runners appear at the base of the climbing wall - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Down into the Trevezel valley - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Through the Trevezel river - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Up the steep climb at the back of Cantobre - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Finally to the Crevice in the rock - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Daylight at last - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Climbing out of the crevice - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Running from the end rock - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Running to the south side of Cantobre - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Running past the bottom of our Castel - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Into the centre of the village for refreshments - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Leaving Cantobre through the entrance - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Down into the terraced valley in front of Cantobre - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Down the terraces into the valley - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Watch out for the steep bit! - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Back up through the valley in front of Cantobre - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Finally appearing underneath the bridge - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Turn the corner out of the valley - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Run up the track - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
Finally head towards Nant on the final section - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
André Debru’s metal horse and knight here for November 2015 - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
André Debru’s metal horse and knight here for November 2015 - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France