Home - Castel de Cantobre Gîtes, Aveyron, France
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Both the gîtes (holiday rental) at Castel de Cantobre Gîtes

The Griffon *** gîte sleeps up to 7 people and has 3 bedrooms, one with a double bed, one with 2 single beds and one with a double and single bed. It has 2 bathrooms and the kitchen/dining room has a large 10 person oak dining table.
The living room window opens onto a south facing terrace with magnificent views over the river Dourbie and the valley.
On the way to the garden, the terrace wraps around the side of the gîte giving good shade in summer.
The Egyptian *** gîte is cosier and can sleep up to 5 people and being built against the rock face it keeps cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It has a double bedroom and a larger second bedroom with a double and single bed. Shower and washing facilities are provided by a shower room, a separate WC and sink, and a bathroom with shower, WC and sink. The kitchen opens into the dining/living room which in turn opens onto its own south facing patio terrace overlooking the river Dourbie and the valley.

Both our gîtes have very well equipped kitchens, washing and drying machines and for the occasional rainy day the living rooms are equipped with Terrestrial Television which provides French channels and a Satellite receiver to watch UK Freesat channels. We share our own library with you so you can read a book or two while you stay with us, the library also contains many games and puzzles, and CDs and DVDs that you can play on the DVD player provided. Free secure WiFi internet (250+ Mbit) is also available.
The gîtes can be booked separately or together. A 40m walk from the smaller Egyptian gîte through our cool cave brings you to the end of our garden where you’ll find a more shaded north facing terrace (shared between the gîtes) with views that equal the stunning views from each gîte’s private terraces. Up some stone steps and you’ve arrived in our 1250m2 garden that includes a pétanque/boules court, a grassed area and our own rock that probably has the best views of Cantobre and a 360° panoramic view of the Trèvezel and Dourbie valleys and the 3 limestone plateaux (Causse Bégon, Causse Noir and Causse du Larzac) that surround us. Continue down the path past our shed, home to sun-loungers for use in the garden, and you’ll find yourselves at the larger Griffon gîte.

56 Reviews

May 2024 (Griffon) - T,V&L & L,I&R from Charente-Maritime, France ★★★★★
A long planned trip to the Cevennes was realised when we arrived in Cantobre. The gite is very comfortable and there was plenty of room for 4 of us and our 2 dogs! Lionel and Peggy are great hosts and very generous with their local knowledge. Weather was changeable to start with and quite cool but by the end of our stay had hit 30 !! Nant is delightful and we can recommend the Tuesday morning market. The Cirque de Navacelles is a must and even La Couveratoirade is worth a visit despite the touristyness. No fish were caught but ’I’ had fun trying! Twenty-nine species of orchid found and that’s not counting the hybrids! Multiple trips up long windy roads let us discover some of the Causses. A particular highlight was low flying Griffon vultures and a wonderful walk from Hures and on our last day a visit to Causse Begon and a walk to the Giant’s tomb through glorious landscapes; Sensational! Memories to take away? Feather grass, flowers, flowers, flowers, great birds including a Lammergeier, 2 types of shrike and of course ’Fluffy’ the resident short-toed Eagle. Great local wine, fantastic cheese especially the fresh ’ficelle’ from the local ’Bio’ shop in Nant. Thank you for a great visit....
May 2024 (Egyptian) - L&E from Les Vosges, France ★★★★★
Un grand merci pour ce beau séjour sur le roc caussard ! Au milieu des hirondelles - Accueil sympathique de Lionel et Peggy mais aussi du petit rouge queue noir qui veillait chaque soir au bon déroulement de l’apéro ! Belles découvertes d’orchidées, de papillons, d’oiseaux. Jolis moments dans le petit jardin suspendu... Vues magnifiques et inspirantes. Best Regards !
September 2023 (Egyptian) - R&I from Coniston, England ★★★★★
Our fourth visit to Cantobre but our first time in this particular gîte. Very comfortable and so well equipped. Peggy and Lionel are lovely people and kind and generous hosts. Thoroughly enjoyed the meal at the local restaurant. Excellent food and wine and even better company. The weather has been very mixed but that has not been an issue.
August 2023 (Egyptian) - C&R from West Sussex, England ★★★★★
Dear Lionel and Peggy, thank you for your delightful hospitality and warm welcome. We particularly appreciated joining in the village fête on our first night - a memorable event! The Gite has been great- so comfortable and well equipped. And of course the view from the terrace is magnificent! It has been a wonderful holiday despite the heat - we kept cool in the Gite, Best wishes.
August 2023 (Griffon) - O&P from Faumont, France ★★★★★
Ça y est, c’est l’heure de départ! Un grand merci pour votre accueil chaleureux, vous êtes vraiment adorables! Ici, on s’y sont comme chez nous, il ne manque de rien. Merci aussi pour ce moment convivial autour d’un apéritif, un vrai moment en famille. Nous vous souhaitons bonne continuation et au plaisir de revenir avec notre petite fille. Bises.
June 2023 (Griffon) - S&D, L&D and A&B from Somerset and Surrey, England ★★★★★
We stayed in the larger Griffon Gite with 2 friends for a week and then our daughter and her husband joined us for the second week. We all had such a wonderful holiday. After 2 stays at the campsite below the village (which is not visible from the village) we had often wondered about staying in Cantobre itself - 30 years later, we made it! And so glad we did! I could sit on the terrace, looking at the views for ever! Dear little Midge, the cocker spaniel, was a big hit and Lionel and Peggy the nicest, friendliest hosts you could wish for. Thank you so much.
June 2023 (Griffon) - O and F&R from Belfast, Northern Ireland ★★★★★
Lovely view and it was immaculate. The beds were very comfy and the outside table and chairs were perfect for the nice weather. My only complaint was that I would have liked a bathroom upstairs. I would definitely choose to come again. Also such friendly owners.
Thank you so much Lionel and Peggy - we all had a wonderful time in the Griffon Gite! The views, the walks and the superb advice about orchids made it all really special.
August 2022 (Egyptian) - L,N,H,X D from Issy les Moulineaux, France ★★★★★
Merci à tous les deux pour cet accueil si chaleureux et l’aménagement de ce gîte, la mise à disposition des terrasses aux vues merveilleuses! Nous regrettons que le temps soit passé si vite et que nous n’ayons pas pu profiter autant que nous le souhaitons de votre hospitalité! Nous reviendrons... la sécheresse et les incendies nous ont empêché de profiter d’une partie de la région. Ce sera un bon prétexte! À bientôt .
July 2022 (Egyptian) - B,P,M,L C from Rennes, France ★★★★★
Nous avons beaucoup apprécié ce séjour à Cantobre, la vue extraordinaire, le calme et le confort, le bon équipement de la cuisine et nous avons découvert les merveilleuses balades alentour incroyable! Merci pour ce moment de repos. Bonne continuation à vous.
July 2022 (Griffon) - S et S P from Serezin du Rhone, France ★★★★★
Après une année riche en événements de toutes sortes, nous avons fait le choix de visiter cette région. Nous en sommes ravis. C’est un endroit magnifique paisible. Lionel et Peggy ont le sens de l’accueil. La maison est vraiment agréable et le jardin, un lieu paisible... Merci à vous deux pour cette parenthèse dans la vallée de la Dourbie.
June 2022 (Griffon) - D et Y, C et MT, A C from Sainte-Soulle, Niort, France ★★★★★
Pour Peggy et Lionel, tout d’abord un immense merci pour votre accueil, votre gentillesse, disponibilité. Quel plaisir de partager du temps avec vous. Bravo pour votre gîte impeccable, c’est chaleureux tout est bien passé il ne manque rien. Nous avons sincèrement apprécié votre région et votre gîte. Nous avons passé un très bon séjour, la région est magnifique, accueil super. Nous en garderons un bon souvenir.
February 2022 (Griffon) - M S et B from Lyon et Montpellier, France ★★★★★
Merci pour ce délicieux moment passé dans cette maison magnifiquement perchée sur la montagne! Peggy et Lionel sont des hôtes adorables et discrets. Nous reviendrons sans aucun doute.
November 2021 (Egyptian) - R, R & K from Apremont, France ★★★★★
Dear Lionel, Peggy and Midge,thank you for your amazing hospitality, wonderful company and awesomeness. Lots of love and big squidges.
September 2021 (Egyptian) - S&T A from Cambridge, England ★★★★★
Can’t think of why we haven’t stayed here before! Oh wait, didn’t we have a house along the valley? Wonderful to be back and to stay in the Egyptian - a real home from home. Beautifully equipped and views that are breath-taking. Thank you so much Lionel and Peggy, your hospitality has been outstanding.
August 2021 (Griffon) - I,F,S,M,GB from Werbach, Germany ★★★★★
Thank you for pots with lids. Was nice doing my workout up on the hill with a breath-taking view!! We really enjoyed watching the sky in the evening and even saw 4 shooting stars!! All in all had a pretty nice time here:-) danke schön.
July 2021 (Egyptian) - C,J,MA from Vaurel, France ★★★★★
Très bon accueil des propriétaires Peggy et Lionel. Vue magnifique de la terrasse, location parfaite. Il ne manque rien. Village très sympathique par les occupants. Des excursions qui valent le déplacement - gorges de la Jonte, gorges du Tarn - Aven Armand, Grotte de Dargilan - Abîme de Bramabau - Pont de Millau etc... Merveilleux paysages sauvages et des grottes féeriques.
July 2021 (Egyptian) - S,TP from Magny-lès-Villers, France ★★★★★
Le gîte, la vue magnifique, nous avons pu découvrir une superbe région et le soleil était au rendez-vous. Merci pour votre accueil.
March 2021 (Egyptian) - JB from Villerest, France ★★★★★
Un beau village entouré de 2 rivières la Dourbie et le Trevezel qui ont chacun leurs gorges. Dépaysement total dans un lieu reposant avec des hôtes à notre écoute et les logements spacieux et confortables. Il reste beaucoup de choses à découvrir dans cette région. On y reviendra. Merci pour ces bons moments passés.
July 2020 (Griffon) - B&S + 5 from Domfront-en-Champagne, France ★★★★★
Beau gîte disposant de tous les équipements requis pour un séjour familial. La vue est tout simplement superbe, que ce soit de la terrasse privative ou du jardin partagé. Nous nous sommes sentis très privilégiés de séjourner à Cantobre, village préservé du tourisme de masse, qui est une véritable pépite dans la région. L’accueil de Peggy et de Lionel est professionnel et amical, avec cette pointe d’humour anglais qui fait toute la différence.
"Lever de soleil sur l’église St. Etienne de Cantobre" par Bertille.
September 2019 (Egyptian) - J&Y B from Plechatel, France ★★★★★
8 ans que nous revenons toujours avec le même bonheurs. Merci Peggy et Lionel de nous recevoir dans ce Gite avec votre gentillesse et votre bienveillance. Milles bisous à vous deux et à Midge. À l’année prochaine
September 2018 (Griffon) - M, S & M from Truro, England ★★★★★
What more is there to say - Where is there anywhere more beautiful and peaceful? The scenery is so amazing and varied, the villages are authentic, the people are friendly and Castel de Cantobre - including Peggy, Lionel and Midge are just lovely !
June 2018 (Griffon) - Groupe Narbonne Randonée et Montagne from Narbonne, France ★★★★★
Merci pour votre accueil très chaleureux, le confort de votre gîte, vous avez vraiment pensé à tout, ce qui prouve votre souci de rendre compte notre séjour très agréable. Nous vous en sommes très reconnaissantes! We are very grateful and we are convinced we have to come back! M. and the girls.
May 2018 (Griffon) - S & P B from Lincoln, England ★★★★★
This is our second visit - last year we said we would be back! Our expectations have once again been exceeded. What a wonderful special place - made all the more so by Lionel and Peggy’s unique and friendly attitude. Thank you both. We can thoroughly recommend the house produce. At the risk of repeating ourselves - we will be back!
May 2018 (Egyptian) - V & C O from Emsworth England ★★★★★
After a few days here I no longer know the date! Time stands still even as the precious days speed by. How we have enjoyed the continual thunder storms and all the torrential rain. It has been wonderfully cool and we have been able to do such unusually strenuous things. This really is like nowhere else on earth - and we hope, yet again, to be back .
May 2018 (Griffon) - R & J BP from Lancashire, England ★★★★★
Thank you Lionel and Peggy for being such helpful and supportive hosts. We really appreciated you contacting medical services for us and arranging appointments. Our accident at the start of the holiday curtailed our adventures - BUT will ensure that we must return to complete them fully. The Gorges, wildlife and welcome from yourselves makes this an unforgettable holiday.
April 2018 (Egyptian) - G, A & O T from Widmer End, UK ★★★★★
Our second stay here and we enjoyed it even more than the first. Thank you Lionel and Peggy for your hospitality. The gîte is fantastic - very well equipped and in such a beautiful location we have enjoyed our walks around the village with Oscar. The surrounding are has such amazing scenery and history and there is so much to see and do. The caves (Aven Armand, Dargilan, Demoiselles) are some of the best we have seen anywhere. Thank you so much once again, Lionel and Peggy - you have such a great home here and have made it an unforgettable place to stay. We will no doubt return in the future, Best wishes.
October 2017 (Egyptian) - G & K R from Colorado, USA ★★★★★
Lionel and Peggy, What a great time we had exploring the area. Thank you for some recommendations on what was worth going to see. Your gîte and your hospitality were outstanding! After canceling our trip two years back, we are so glad we decided to stay with you this year. You have a gorgeous little village here. The views are breath-taking. Our stay has provided us with the getaway we needed. Hope to return some day!
October 2017 (Egyptian) - S & A H from Willow Spring, USA ★★★★★
Everything has been wonderful - a perfect visit. The views from the terrace are amazing, and thanks for providing the full moon just for us! Thank you so much for welcoming us into your beautiful gîte. We love it here and appreciate your hospitality so much!
September 2017 (Egyptian) - P & J B from Abington, Cambridge, England ★★★★★
Glad to see you again Lionel! And very good to see your new abode! We had some great walks and enjoyed all the views. The gîte is amazing and well equipped and we enjoyed our brief stay. I hope to return some time.
July 2017 (Egyptian) - J & G from Devon, England ★★★★★
Thank you Peggy and Lionel for your warm welcom and quite the best equipped gîte we have ever encountered. Fabulous situation, amazing area. Boulangerie patisserie in Nant terrific, beautiful town, so well kept and cared for. Bird life very interesting, no need to go further than the terrace it all comes to you! Thanks again for a great holiday.
July 2017 (Griffon) - I, J & J from Neu-Anspach, Germany ★★★★★
Would I be a British bird
I would fly to the Cévennes
Might it last until it hurts
I would eventually see it then

And if I then would be carried high
By the warm wind, stroking the hills
Up, up into the french-blue sky
With peace my heart and soul fills

So what is your homeland, actually ?
Is it where you came from, years ago ?
It is where you can be, and be free
And want to return to, and never again go.

There is a place where all is well
Out there in France called Lou Castel
If you are walking up and ring the bell
You are heartily welcomed by Peggy & Lionel !

Keep this place forever, Lionel & Peggy !
June 2017 (Griffon) - S, P & M from Lincoln, England ★★★★★
Came here with special friends. Truely a magical place! Life changing moment while here for me, shared with S, P, Lionel & Peggy. Never to be forgotten, maybe to relive, we’ll see what next year brings. M.
What a wonderful find!! The gîte is well equipped and views from the terrace and garden are breath-taking. Lionel & Peggy couldn’t have been more helpful and we much appreciate their knowledge of the area, local flora & fauna. We will be back! S & P.
June 2017 (Egyptian) - A & M from Valais, Suisse ★★★★★
Tout pour passer de bonnes vacances: soleil, région magnifique, lieu très calme et cela dans un gîte très agréable et bien agencé. Un grand merci aux propriétaires pour leur aimable accueil ! Nous espérons pouvoir revenir l’année prochaine.
June 2017 (Egyptian) - K, T, M & T from Devon, England ★★★★★
A wonderful stay, a beautiful area and your hospitality very warm. The gîte had everything we needed. Warmest of wishes to you.
June 2017 (Griffon) - M & M from Stockport, England ★★★★★
Once againg Lionel & Peggy excel as great hosts in their wonderful gîte! Everything is catered for & the GPS came in handy for our walks! The garden is wonderful & was much enjoyed by all. Looking forward to returning once again to this magical place!
June 2016 (Griffon) - B & J from Seville, Australia ★★★★★
Cantobre is a magical village and Lionel and Peggy’s gîte adds to its charm. We had a wonderful week exploring the Tarn Valley. Congratulations Lionel & Peggy for a wonderful stay.
May 2016 (Griffon) - V & J from Stockport, England ★★★★★
Wonderful place to visit and stay, lovely gîte. Peggy and Lionel were wonderful, warm and welcoming. We could not have been happier and would recommend Cantobre and Lou Castel Gîtes to everyone! Thank you!
May 2016 (Egyptian) - M, R & D from Yorkshire, England ★★★★★
Thank you so much for your hospitality - a beautifully equipped gîte in a spectacular location. We will miss the nightingales + vultures, and the incredible landscapes + wild flowers. We kept hoping to see the wild boar again, but hopes she brings up her 5 little hogs successfully. Sad to leave... With best wishes...
April 2016 (Egyptian) - Famille A from Var, France ★★★★★
Agréable séjour sur un magnifique nid de vautour (Égyptien). Merci pour votre accueil et votre gentillesse. Bien que le temps n’ait pas été très propice aux promenades, nous avons tout de même visiter les environs et pu ainsi découvrir les charmes de ce parc naturel. Encore merci et peut-être à une autre fois.
September 2015 (Egyptian) - J&JP R, N&Y D from Orne, France ★★★★★
Une semaine bien remplie: La Couvertoirade -- Roquefort -- Peyre -- Rodez -- Millau -- Sylvanes -- Musée des Arts Buissonniers -- Cirque de Navacelles --
Très beau gîte situé dans un village de caractère avec superbe vue sur la Dourbie Merci bien pour votre accueil chaleureux
July 2015 (Egyptian) - R, H, A & S from County Durham, England ★★★★★
Thank you both for a great week in a fantastic location. The gîte was everything we had expected and we will always remember the fabulous views at breakfast & dinner. Kayaking downstream from Les Vignes in the Gorge du Tarn highly recommended!
June 2015 (Egyptian) - C & J from Cawood, Yorkshire, England ★★★★★
Thanks Peggy and Lionel for your warm welcome. We have had a great week at your stunning gîte. Great walks with beautiful flowers and butterflies.
May 2015 (Griffon) - CD, JL & DF (Famille V - R) from Le Lot, France ★★★★★
Très beau séjour, accueil sympathique et agréable. Belles randonnées!
Super séjour - Merci et Good Luck.
May 2015 (Griffon) - V, S, A, R & L from Rouen, France ★★★★★
Séjour très sympathique sous un soleil admirable. Merci pour l’acceuil. À bientôt.
April 2015 (Egyptian) - G, A & O from High Wycombe, England ★★★★★
Thank you, Peggy & Lionel, for a fantastic week. The accommodation is just perfect and Cantobre is a unique and picturesque village. We have loved looking at the 360° views on our walks around the village. Thank you for arranging the vet appointment for us and for being such welcoming and informative hosts. We have done a lot of travelling around this week - and a lot of walking - mostly uphill! We will certainly be going back home fitter! We will definitely return to Cantobre again.
December 2014 (Egyptian) - F from Toulouse, France ★★★★★
Merci c’etait beau et très confortable. Bonne Année.
September 2014 (Griffon) - S & S from Davenham, England ★★★★★
No planes, trains and a few automobiles - relaxed and ready to face the real world again. Natives friendly - Thanks Peggy & Lionel for letting us share your Castel and for all the help and information willingly given. The Griffon is in a stunning location and aptly named. You’ll be pleased to know we’ve left some trout in The Dourbie. Brilleaux!
September 2014 (Egyptian) - M & M from Stockport, England ★★★★★
Thank you Lionel & Peggy for a wonderful stay & making us so welcome on our 2nd trip this year! We love this place and your hospitality. Thank you again. See you in 2015.
September 2014 (Griffon) - N & J from Southampton, England ★★★★★
Our 2nd stay in the area, fantastic. Wonderful gîte, sitting on the terrace and just looking is so calming. We saw loads of things, a week isn’t long enough though. Had a great time with wonderful caring hosts. Thank you Lionel & Peggy.
July 2014 (Egyptian) - K & M, T, C & E from Limerick, Ireland ★★★★★
Cantobre Tales
In the village of Cantobre was a Gîte,
That could only be accessed by feet,
Quite superb were the views,
Great activities to amuse,
And the nicest owners that you’ll meet.

A Limerick from the M. family of Limerick, Ireland
July 2014 (Griffon) - L. F. & Famille from Yvelines, France ★★★★★
Superbes vacances, dans ce nid d’aigles du XIem siècle. Le gîte était très agréable, et nos hôtes tout a fait charmants.
Merci Peggy & Lionel, and See you soon!
July 2014 (Griffon) - I, H, S, A & R from Lancashire, England ★★★★★
Fantastic week in an amazing location. Lionel and Peggy - great hosts and very helpful. Hope to be back!
June 2014 (Griffon) - M & K from Angus, Scotland ★★★★★
In more ways than one this serendipitous meeting and stay was the pinnacle of our holiday. Thank you Lionel & Peggy.
June 2014 (Griffon) - M & M, H & T from Stockport, England ★★★★★
Brilliant! hard to know where to start! Great hosts, great accommodation, wonderful garden. Thank you so much for making us so welcome. We will be back (soon)!
April 2014 (Egyptian) - J & S from Cumbria, England ★★★★★
We have had the most splendid break at Cantobre. Scenery, wildlife, food and accommodation unsurpassed. Peggy and Lionel are wonderful hosts. Many grateful thanks for introducing us to l’Aveyron.
June 2013 (Egyptian) - G & C from Scotland ★★★★★
Superb!! This has been a truly wonderful 3 weeks holiday. What more could you ask for in a location, scenery and wildlife. And Lionel and Peggy’s hospitality and friendly approach could not be bettered. We were made to feel very much at home. It would be difficult to discover a gîte with a view as outstanding as that from the terrace looking over the Dourbie Valley. Many many thanks L&P for sharing your Castel. P.S. J. thanks you for introducing her to Aligot and B. now has a touch of flamboyancy with his red hat!!